Saturday, March 10, 2012


Wow... I haven't written anything here since the first of the year? That's sad. But, typical of me. I go through my spurts of writing and not writing. And what spurt am I in now? Well, I'm writing here, aren't I? Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean anything other than I figured maybe I should update my blog. But, the truth is, I am resurrecting the writing. It's about time. So, here we go... another writing... one which means nothing yet I'm certain there will be those who take it for more than it's worth. This is why I have such a hard time writing... too many people assuming I'm saying something I'm not. And too many not realizing I mean what I'm saying. And too many just not caring when I need them to notice.

And, now that I have babbled for a bit, and lost half my readers (all 4 of u), allow me to continue with a fictional rambling...

*sighs* I lost my train of thought. I shall have to continue later...

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