Monday, August 10, 2015

Not Enough

You're not enough
Nothing shatters a heart more
especially when spoken
through actions
over words.

My heart tightens
and the tears flow yet again
each time I remember
I'm not enough.

Not smart enough
Not good enough
Simply not enough

I try to speak
but the words get caught
I try to write
But my pen falters

There are no words
they're are not enough
to express this pain
echoing, growing
taking on a life of its own

My heart is being crushed
under the weight
of the look in your eyes
and sound of your voice

Not smart enough
Not good enough

There's nothing simple
about being not enough
There's nothing simple
about this ache within.
This ache without

I hold it in
praying, seeking
just once to not be
not enough

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